Singing Guide: Stacey Kent

Singing Guide: Stacey Kent

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Stacey Kent, one of the first things you should focus on is developing your unique vocal style. Stacey Kent has a sweet and soulful voice, with a gentle vibrato, a jazz approach to timing, softness in phrasing, and a sense of intimacy in her singing. Her voice is light but expressive, and she relies on great breath control to add a sense of ease to her sound.

Here are some tips to improve your singing in the style of Stacey Kent:

  1. Warm-up your voice before practicing or performing. Use Singing Carrots' breathing exercises to improve your breath control.

  2. Focus on developing good posture. Stacey Kent is known for having an excellent posture and proper alignment, which helps her breathe easily and sing without straining.

  3. Work on developing your tonal quality, but also on controlling your emotions through your singing. Feeling the music and making it your own is essential for good singing and great performances.

  4. Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your range and explore songs to sing that match your voice and range.

  5. Focus on breath control and breathing techniques to achieve the calm and laid-back sound of Stacey Kent.

  6. Study Stacey Kent's phrasing, timing and her use of dynamics. These are essential elements that make her sound so unique and soulful.

  7. Use Singing Carrots' app called Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game to enhance your pitch accuracy and vocal agility.

  8. Explore Stacey Kent's discography and listen to her interpretation of Jazz Standards. Try to identify the unique features of her vocal technique and apply them to your own singing.

  9. Practice your articulation through the Finger Bite exercise. Good articulation is essential to deliver lyrics and melodies clearly.

  10. Take Singing Carrots' singing course to gain a deeper understanding of the theory behind great singing.

Stacey Kent is an accomplished jazz singer that has a lot to teach singers who aspire to sing like her. By incorporating the above-mentioned tips and relevant Singing Carrots resources, you can improve your singing, develop your unique vocal style, and add some soulfulness to your performances. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.